Mac Os Themes For Windows Xp

Mac Os Themes For Windows Xp Average ratng: 8,6/10 180 votes

Steve Jobs (1955 - 2011) Hello everybody! When I had uploaded a new Video on Mac OS X theme on Windows XP/7 on my YouTube channel,. OS XP Theme consists of a package designed to enhance the appearance of the XP operating system. It’s aimed at making your desktop resemble to a MAC OS environment.

Can you track a mortgage in quicken for mac download. A lot of people prefer the sleek look and feel of Apple’s Mac OS X. With the dock on the bottom and the finder bar on top, it makes a good combo for quick access while the white design with colored buttons make it easy on the eye. In this theme, you’ll apply ‘s Mac OS X Ultimate visual style that will transform your Windows explorer style as you see below and then optionally move on to getting Finderbar and the icon dock. Features • Apple’s Mac OS X design • Border-less design • Two Themes (With Command Bar / Without Command Bar).

Instructions 1. OldNewExplorer: Extract the OldNewExplorer.rar file that you downloaded to a new folder and run the OldNewExplorerCfg program. Set the settings as the same as the screenshot you see below. Hit Install and complete the installation.

UXThemePatcher: Next, you need to so we can install 3rd party themes. Follow that link and do up to Step 3 (Patch your system.) 3.

Mac Os Themes For Windows Xp

Mac OS X Ultimate Theme: Extract the contents of Mac OS X theme (two folders and two.theme files) to the C: Windows Resources Themes folder of your PC. Theme Activation: Run a Mac OS X Ultimate.theme file that you just pasted and voila! Your theme should be active.

If nothing’s happened, and do Step 4.b. That should fix the issues. Finderbar and Launcher You can optionally add the finderbar and launcher to your desktop for a more complete transformation. Just follow these download links below and follow the instructions. Sdk You need to install the Mac OS skin for it.