How To Link Yahoo Finance To Excel For Mac

How To Link Yahoo Finance To Excel For Mac Average ratng: 9,9/10 6604 votes

Disclaimer: the link to MarketXLS is an affiliate link, but this has not influenced my opinion of the tool. UPDATE July 6th 2017: The old Yahoo Finance API was discontinued, so the spreadsheet stopped working for a while. However, I’ve now uploaded a new working version. Download Excel spreadsheet to import historical stock prices from Yahoo. This video is to teach the user how to get data from the internet, such as data from a table posted on a web page, into Microsoft Excel for Mac.

It’s now automatically booting into Windows each time. But how the heck do I get back to Mac OS X? Finally, I can pop into Windows as needed without having to drag along a PC on my sales calls. When bootcamping a mac what slic do i pick for windows 10.

I'm not grokking your proposed fix My suggestion is basically monkey-patch it (a fixed subclass can work) or use something besides that module. (Janky stuff!) I can't test it but try: set -xg BROWSER '/Applications/'; fish_config. How to get tor browser for mac osx configuration

The program downloads stock information from Yahoo! Finance and displays it in the spreadsheet. On my Mac the program takes 10 minutes to get data for approximately 4000 stocks and on the PC it takes 45 minutes. I wrote another version which copies and pastes the data instead of iterating through each price value, but every time I run that macro, the runtime increases. That version takes about 15 minutes on a PC and 45 minutes on a Mac. I don't know what is going on but I just want a program that runs in. I like the sound of using a swarm as suggested by @Rubberduck but I doubt that VbScript will run on a Mac.

I thought I would make some general suggestions about your VBA code. • When adding a QueryTable using VBA you should be aware that Excel creates both a data connection and a named range. If you are running a process that has a large number of loops this can result in lots of connections and named ranges. I suggest you delete them after you have got the data.

Thank you for mentioning this! There was indeed an issue with request dates, e.g., the following won't work: The reason seems to be that this date range only includes a weekend. This is unexpected, in a way, because the Yahoo! Website itself automatically corrects such a request and shows data for the preceding Friday. The CSV web service apparently does not do that. Hence, in the macro, it makes sense to look back for a full week: dtPrevDate = dtDate - 7 That way you will download data for a full week and still just take the quote from the most recent date.

The article above is adjusted accordingly, and the code should work fine again. If you encounter other errors, try to un-comment the lines with 'Debug.Print'; that would help identifying errors. Found it and replaced your function as follows. For more details, see webpage Function Shareprice(YahooTicker As String) Dim strURL As String, strCSV As Double ' Compile the request URL with selected Yahoo Ticker & Yahoo Tag ' Example for Apple Inc. Share price ' strURL = '& YahooTicker & '&f=l1' Set http = CreateObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP') http.Open 'GET', strURL, False http.Send strCSV = http.responseText Shareprice = strCSV Set http = Nothing End Function •. Thanks for this great macro! I simplified the program and removed the date input.

So my version only outputs the current stock price ('l1'). I guess that is what Rupesh and Mike asked for further above. The input has to look like this: =StockQuote('ticker_symbol'). I had difficulties with this macro to show exchange rates (e.g.

That's why I changed the url in my version to ''. Somehow there it works. Here is the code: Function StockQuote(strTicker As String) Dim strURL As String, strCSV As String Dim dbClose As Double ' Compile the request URL strURL = '& strTicker & _ '&f=l1' ' Debug.Print strURL Set http = CreateObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP') http.Open 'GET', strURL, False http.Send strCSV = http.responseText ' Debug.Print strCSV dbClose = strCSV ' Debug.Print vbLf ' Debug.Print 'dbClose: ' & dbClose StockQuote = dbClose Set http = Nothing End Function •.

Hi Mike, I added some code (all the credit goes to Nick - ). You can change the update interval (Line 8. It's set to 5 minutes right now). I wouldn't recommend to set a a very small time though. Yahoo seems to block too many requests from the same user.

So if you have many ticker symbols and/or a short update interval the macro hangs for quite some time. Another note: After copying the code into your Excel sheet, it might be necessary to save, close and reopen the file in order to start the auto update. Rene, Thank you.Thank you.