Google Drive Icon For Mac

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How can the answer be improved? Google Drive quietly creates a place for it on the left sidebar of Finder and all the files and folders can be accessed from this location. Files carry the familiar icons from the web app with a tiny mark indicating whether the file is up to date or if sync is underway.

Google Drive (originally, came both as an online service and an app for Mac OS) is a cloud storage solution manifold benefits of which are almost unrivaled. An excellent combination of features and a measured pricing strategy has made the cloud offering one of the most popular services on the market. When compared to Apple’s iCloud that comes with only 5GB of free storage space, it is clear that Google Drive with 15GB of free storage has a considerable competitive edge that cannot be ignored.

Premium subscription services, which come at as little as $1.99 per 100 GB or as much as $299.99 per 30 TB, are extremely attractive for individual users and organizations alike. Those who have lost important data due to a power outage can attest to the fact that safety is not an irrevocable condition. Rather, it is a temporary state of being protected from recognized and non-desirable hazards, which is attained through the exertion of effort.

When it comes to data safety, there is no better way to safeguard important files against loss than to use Google Drive for backup, which is, frankly, not that much of an effort. Unfortunately, the convenient and sleek Google Drive app has been discarded by the company.

Therefore, individual app users are steered toward Backup and Sync desktop app; business users are encouraged to install Drive File Stream app on their Mac OS X or macOS. That being said, the cloud service isn’t going away.

The new apps have been designed to take the place of Google Drive and offer a more integrated approach to data backup. Since the app has been relegated to the sidelines and you will no longer need it, it’s time to remove Google Drive from your Mac. Read on to find out how it can be done. How to Remove Google Drive from Menu Bar If you’ve switched to Backup and Sync or another online storage service, it is necessary to remove Google Driver from your Mac. For one thing, you won’t need the app anymore, for another, it will consume your disk space, thereby leaving less room for useful software. Start the uninstallation process by removing Google Drive from the menu bar.

Download google drive icon for desktop

There is a rule of thumb regarding menu bar icons: the fewer icons, the better. After using a Mac for some time, its menu bar becomes cluttered to the point of complete disarrangement. Unlike first-party icons, Google Drive icon cannot be removed in one swift motion. To get rid of it, you have to do the following: • Launch Google Drive and go the Preferences • Click on the Advanced tab; • Uncheck the box next to the Start Google Drive automatically option; • Quit the app. How to install a mac dock for windows 10.

This should prevent the app from showing up in your menu bar. The Proper Way of Saying Goodbye to Google Drive Once you’ve decided to part ways with Google Drive for good, it is necessary to ensure that you do it correctly.

Improper termination of the relationship with the app can result in deflated tires and a furious note on your car. I’m just joking, but if Google Drive is not properly uninvited from the computer, it will leave a heap of support files, preference lists, and other digital detritus that slows down the performance of the Mac.

At the risk of making an exceptionally obvious point, I hasten to state that Google Drive is not an app that can be simply dragged to the Trash. If you try to do so, you will see a message like this: The notification suggests that the app cannot be deleted because it is still tied to a Google account.

To disconnect the account: • Launch Google Drive; • Go to the Google Drive menu and click on the Preferences pane; • Proceed to the Account settings; • Click the Disconnect Account button; • Confirm the action by clicking the Apply button. After untying the app from the account quit it by selecting the Quit Google Drive option in the menu. Then, go the Activity Monitor and stop all processes associated with Google Drive.